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Japanese Yamaha factory open space cooperation with Indonesia SMK Free

    Yamaha Indonesia's dedication to education is realized through a Yamaha Engineering School (YES). Yamaha mechanic school was opened specifically for graduates of Vocational School (SMK) at no charge.

        This free school is helping those who come from among the poor. In fact, previous YES graduates have proved successful in getting the job adequately. "There was even a join to be employees of PT YMKI (Yamaha Motor Kencana Indonesia), officially opened the garage big enough and the Yamaha YES diploma helped obtain a job," said Education Department Manager of Yamaha Indonesia, Riswandi, in his press conference, Thursday, January 19, 2012.

      This year, registration-34 force into the open from August 1 to August 16. Began to study on 5 September until late December. Each class consists of 36 participants. They are educated to the concept of learning theory and practice for 3 months. one month plus one-week internship at the Yamaha garages and two weeks to learn the material vendor and factory

     This year registration requirement coupled with the report cards include a copy of grades 1 to 3 SMK. Beyond that its terms are not changed, the photocopy of identity card, driving license C, diploma, SKKB, passport photo and the seal. Age of eligible participants are graduates of vocational school in the last three years counted from the year open enrollment.

      Register Yamaha Engineering School (YES) is opened twice. First in late February and the second this month. Simultaneous opening this month in 11 Yamaha Motor Engineering Training Center in Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, East Java, Medan, Padang, Palembang, Lampung, Pontianak, Makassar and Bali.

     YES is present in Indonesia since 1990 under a licensing Ministry of Education and Culture. Then a year later changed its licensing under the Labour Department with the name of Yamaha Motor Engineering Training Center.

    YES program contained in the entrepreneur and the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). CSR programs are recognized as the best in the world through the award Presidential Award in Japan in 2006.

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